Hello from the barn at the Ewe Bet Ranch. This page is my "Old News Page". Here I will keep all my cute

stories from days gone by.

There is a new funny story I can tell you about some of the silly teenage boy sheep they have here. A few weeks ago it snowed quite a bit. It was a great start on some good moisture that they need here so that the fields will give us more good food. Anyway: later that evening it turned really cold (8 degrees Fahrenheit). The next morning the Dad of the family came out to chore. He found one of the teenage boy sheep just kicking their feet and flailing away. Upon further inspection he discovered that the sheep had actually gotten stuck to the metal fence. (You have heard the old warning not to stick your tongue on a frozen metal object!) Poor sheep. The shepherd quickly tugged on the wool to let the sheep free. When he looked along the fence line he saw where several others had met the same frustration, but were able to free themselves (minus a little bit of their hide, still stuck to the fence!)

Hard to believe, but true.

Coke is one of the ram lambs they had for sale. He is a nice, handsome ram. If you click your mouse on his name, you can find out more information. (I have to say I am confused about this mouse thing. I hear the people that live here say that the cats are in the barn to catch the mice, yet they let a mouse LIVE in their HOUSE right next to their COMPUTER!! I don't get it!) Anyway, they decided to keep Coke as their Colored Rambouillet herd sire. He is pretty proud of himself.

They do have other sheep for sale (and if you ask the Dad of the family, he will say ALL of them are for sale for the right price!!) When the lady comes out with a little box that flashes, you will be able to see more examples of our bright shiny faces. Until then, you can always call and talk to them in person, they can tell you all about us sheep.

We are a diverse flock of sheep: varying colors and breeds. The main breed of sheep they run here are Rambouillets, both colored and white.

They give us regular check up's to make sure that we are all free from diseases with big names. Of course, we always pass with flying colors.

Some of my friends got to go to the National Western Stock Show in Denver when it was really cold outside. One of the big ewes and one of the teenage ewes came home bragging about these pretty purple rags the people draped on them. I don't know what all the fuss was about, but the people around here were very happy. ............


There is a new funny story I can tell you about some of the silly teenage boy sheep they have here. A few weeks ago it snowed quite a bit. It was a great start on some good moisture that they need here so that the fields will give us more good food. Anyway: later that evening it turned really cold (8 degrees Fahrenheit). The next morning the Dad of the family came out to chore. He found one of the teenage boy sheep just kicking their feet and flailing away. Upon further inspection he discovered that the sheep had actually gotten stuck to the metal fence. (You have heard the old warning not to stick your tongue on a frozen metal object!) Poor sheep. The shepherd quickly tugged on the wool to let the sheep free. When he looked along the fence line he saw where several others had met the same frustration, but was able to free themselves (minus a little bit of their hide, still stuck to the fence!)

Hard to believe, but true.


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