In the Kitchen

Simply Simple Recipes

Loin Chops or Shoulder Chops

Place meat on BBQ grill.

Sprinkle with season salt and pepper.

Grill evenly on both sides until done as you like.


Leg of Lamb or Lamb Shoulder Roast

Put meat in crock pot.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

If you want to get fancy, sprinkle with oregano, garlic and onions.

Add enough water to cover one inch on the bottom of pot.

Cook on low all day.



Lamb Bites

Place lamb stew meat in hot skillet with a touch of oil of your choice.

Sprinkle with season salt and pepper.

Pan fry for 3-5 minutes, stir and fry for 3-5 more minutes.

Serve as is or with dipping sauces such as:

Peanut sauce

BBQ Sauce

Chili sauce

Lamb KaBobs

Place lamb stew meat on skewers with favorite goodies*.

Place skewers on BBQ grill.

Sprinkle with season salt and pepper.

Grill for 3-5 minutes, turn and grill for 3-5 more minutes or until done.

Serve as is or with dipping sauces such as:

Peanut sauce, BBQ Sauce, Chili sauce, etc.

*Goodies include: zucchini, peppers, pineapple, mushrooms, onions, etc....


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